It’s all about your mindset

You have made your way to this post because you want to start a blog or may have already started one and are looking for some inspo along the way. I’m with you girl! This post really speaks to anyone, whether you have a blog or not but I thought it was important to publish a post about becoming your best version. A lot of these you have probably already heard of, I get it, but a refresher never hurt anyone. As you know, when you blog, alot of work goes into it so why not become your best self and best blogging self.

I created a list of 25 ways to become the best version of yourself. Girl, you are a badass so let’s not forget this. It is imperative you have lists like this to help inspire you on the tough days, blogging or not. My list has ideas on how to keep going on those days when you want to give up and how to hold yourself to a whole new level of accountability. Life is tough. But, tough times, are inevitable. They are going to happen no matter what. You are going to and I’m sure have already experience times in which your character will be tested or your heart aches for a significant loss. I have learned to prepare myself for the not so good days so when they come it’s not a roller coaster of emotions. Cherish and soak up the great days and always look for the silver lining in the bad days. It’s enjoying the journey, learning, growing, and reflecting.

“Life is 90% how you react to what happens to you and 10% of what happens to you”

25 Ways to Become the Best Version of You

1. Believe in Yourself

Do you actually believe you can start a blog? You better! Because if you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. I personally feel that belief in yourself is one of the most important characteristics to have. You must truly believe in yourself and whatever you want to do.

2. Have a Positive Attitude & Mindset

How do you react when things don’t go as planned? Do you throw a fit & pity party or look for the silver lining or opportunity? Of course, it is easier said than done but the point is it can be done. When shit hits the fan, it not being naïve, in denial and walking around so positive, people think you’re nuts. It’s being realistic but looking for the lesson to be learned. Remember life is more about how you react to what happens to you more than what happens. Pay attention.

3. Stop Worrying About What Others Will Think of You

Are you worried about what other people will think of you for starting a blog? What exactly are you worried about? It’s your life, your decision, so anyone else’s opinion shouldn’t matter especially when it is in regards to getting started. If you are worried they will think negatively about it, I challenge you to understand why someone would question you doing something positive with your life? Most of the time this kind of thing happening is because you going for your dreams reminds them that they gave up on their own. More times than not, those feelings are their insecurities, nothing to do with you. Always remember that!

4. Create a Vision Board

Then hang it somewhere where you can see it every day! If you had a million dollars and could buy anything, go anywhere, find pictures of your goals and dreams. This is part of your WHY. Take it a step further by test driving your dream luxury car so you start to experience the realness of having it. You’ll be surprised what your mind will do to achieve your goals when you act as if they are real. Close your eyes and visualize you in the present moment of achieving your goals or driving that dream car. Doing this consistently will change your life!

5. Make a List of 10 Things You Are Grateful For & Read it Out Loud Every Morning

When you speak out loud to what you are grateful for and profess to the universe that you are thankful for what you have, the universe will work its magic and bring more back to you. Energy flows where energy goes. What you focus on will come back to you full circle. I practice this and it is amazing how it works. More to come on this topic, it is one of my favorites.

6. Practice Daily Discipline & Focus

Now from my experience this is one of the toughest yet one of the most crucial to help you. While it can be tough, it is yet a very simple concept. Focus. The problem comes with there being so much on social media, so many options, emails, that when it is time to focus it is hard to do BUT when you really do it, it’s a very beautiful thing. It comes down to not letting yourself give yourself an excuse. You have to be disciplined to carve out time each day to focus on your goal.

Is it to write 1 post per day? Work on affiliate marketing this day and social media marketing the next? Don’t let anything else in that will distract you. Then with discipline there is sacrifice. You will have to sacrifice time with family and friends to build your empire, knowing it’ll be worth it in the long run. This is why it’s so important to have your Dream Board visible to you. Make a plan, take action, focus on the task, complete the task, and do it everyday.Discipline and focus are those two traits we know we need to get results. Don’t overcomplicate it. Do what it takes every single day. Focus on the task at hand. All the tools you need are here. It’s just finally deciding that you are going to go after your dreams and understanding you have to be consistent with it and laser focused. When you find that sweet spot, you are unstoppable.

7. Write Down Your Goals Every Month

As mentioned above, you have to write down your goals, your tasks to get to your goals each and every day, week and month. Again, it can be easy to get off task, but remember you have to power to control that. reference your Calendar every day, learn what works and what propels you forward. Don’t focus on task that don’t move you forward. Adjust and make changes as you go.

Whenever you literally write down your goals, you are that much closer to making them a reality. Your mind is so much more powerful than you. WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS.

8. Use a Calendar for Organization

Use a calendar to help with organizing not only blogging but all areas of your life. Set your goals in each area you want to focus, list of daily tasks, intentions, goals, etc. Everything on one calendar.

9. Reach Out to Other Successful Bloggers or Others Who have the Results in Life that you Want

As you start your blogging journey be sure to write the names of blogs and bloggers who inspire you or are successful. Highly recommend you reach out and introduce yourself and ask them what they did to become successful. A lot of times they end up writing about it for you to access and read their blog for exactly what you need.

This one can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. But it’s a no brainer! In anything you do, always reach out to the ones who are successful and have the results you want to strive for and then do what they did.

10. Make Sure You Have a WHY

Why are you doing what you do? When you think about your why does it make you cry or get you super pumped up and excited for the future? It should! Take time to really think about your why and build it. It will change, that’s ok. Having your why will come in handy when you hit a wall and want to quit. Your why will reel you back in.

11. Research Other Blogs

What is working for other bloggers? What are they doing that sets their blog apart from the others? Which blog posts are most popular? Why? Figure it out and start doing your own with your own twist. Another great idea is to research, dig into, and read other blogs in your niche. It’ll help you understand what your audience likes. Take a ton of notes. Take other blogger courses to learn more.

Along the way, you will start to build your own story, your experiences and how you plan to share with the world. You don’t have to start from scratch. This is one of the many reasons I love blogging is because your blog will always be your own, unique because only you have experienced what you have. You want to become an expert in the niche you are in.

12. Know Why People are Reading Your Content

What is the problem you are solving for your audience? Why will people want to read your blog? You have to help your audience solve a problem. You have to offer some sort of a solution to an issue that your readers are facing. Is your blog on “How to grow your email list” but in the post you don’t actually address ways (actions, steps to take) in which to do that, then why the heck would readers keep reading! They clicked on your post because they clearly wanted to read about how you have proven to grow your email list in the past. So let’s give that to them!

“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people”

13. Master the Blog Post Basics

Check out my other post on “Mastering the Blog Posts Basics: How to Grow Your Blog” Become the expert in your niche. Be obsessed with your blog and growing it, monetizing it, everything. This is why it’s so important to not worry about what others think. You have enough and more important things to focus on to move you forward. You have a story to tell and share with the world, people want to read your blog! When you focus on mastering the basics, you will feel more confident when you are creating your own posts.

14. Build Your Own Community

A community helps to bring people together who are like-minded and have common interests. I have found in my experience that when you have a community or group of people it makes the follow ship that much better, it makes coming back so much easier. Relationships are created.

A lot of successful bloggers I study have a community of people they have built. It seems Facebook is a popular option, but these groups keep you readers coming back, Common interests, like-minded groups! As you continue on your blogging journey, you will build your following, your readers. Essentially, a great idea is to create an official “group or online community” in which you can share your story, information, content and vision with. This group of people have similar visions, goals and dreams as you. Join mine!–>> The A-Team<<–

15. Be 100% Committed

As a former sales manager with experience on this one, if you aren’t 100% not only does it affect yourself, but it affects others. Whether you believe it or not people want to hear from you so if you aren’t committed to sharing your story and paving a way for others then you are missing one of the main points! Plus, you are just lying to yourself if you can’t jump in full throttle. Spare the headaches and go all in! If one day you are balls to the wall gung-ho, nothing can stop me excited and then the next day you could care less, you have to find a common ground and make sure you are 100% all in. Not halfway, will quit when it gets tough.

Give it your all. Be passionate. the world needs more people who are passionate and speak from the heart! Your best self will naturally come out and you will shine. Do whatever it takes. Don’t be 50% in or even 90% committed. Maybe you plan to do your blogging 2-3 days per week, that’s totally fine! It’s just when you do, put 100% in. Then, there is the sweet spot of when you actually do commit yourself how you end up spending more time that you may have allotted. You start hitting that sweet spot, your groove, and that’s when the magic happens.

16. Stop Trying to be Perfect

The key is to be unique, not perfect. What is perfect anyways. The more you mess up, fail and learn, the quicker and more you grow into becoming the best version of yourself!

Sometimes we are so overly critical of ourselves and strive for pure perfection. Please don’t do that to yourself. Imperfections make us all unique and special. It will make the process so much better if you don’t. Plus, when you get stuck in perfection world, you are holding yourself back ultimately because you end up not making any movement forward because you are so focused on being perfect, if we even know what that exactly means.

It’s all about taking action, moving forward, making progress, learning along the way, reflecting, making changes, and getting to where you want. Along the way increasing your self-esteem and self-confidence. Show your readers, that it can be done.

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”

Vince Lombardi

17. Trust the Journey

All of this takes time. Be patient. Know that none of this happens overnight. You will feel like you don’t have a clue at first or know what the hell you are doing. It’s ok! No one knows at first. Every single person has to start at the beginning. Expect mistakes, failures, frustration, and times you will feel like quitting. it comes with the territory! The more you expect these types of things, the easier they will be to handle.

Remember, how you handle what happens to you is more important than what. The journey makes the end result that much better. The journey itself is where everything happens – the learning, growing, ups and downs – learn to love it. The journey is the best part. If you follow your game plan and never quit, you’ll achieve your goals. We think the end game or results is what we want. The beautiful part is when we understand that who you become and what you learn is more important than the result.

Not only do we want to trust the journey, we want to embrace the journey. I’ve come to realize that true champions do this. Think about it, what happens when you achieve your goal? You make another? Yes, but you will never be satisfied. You must look into the journey itself and reflect on how you got to the result. Who did you become? Who did you inspire to do this for themselves?

18. Learn How to Monetize Your Blog

There are numerous ways to make money blogging. It just depends on what your niche is, what you want to try or do and why? The first step when looking to monetize your blog would be to write down a list of all the ways in which you believe you can make money with your blog.

Do some research, as well. I am sure there are ways you weren’t even aware of that you can learn and use for your business. Since there will probably be quite a few next, I would start prioritizing the list on which ones you want to implement first.

Depending on your level of knowledge and to make sure you are being strategic, savvy and smart, be sure to research the ways, see how other bloggers did it for their blogs and start learning the strategies and how to execute them.

Affiliate marketing & Google Ads are two extremely popular ways. Creating and promoting your own content is another fun and creative way to monetize your blog.

Decide what ways work best for your blog, niche & goals. Why not make some cash while blogging about something you are passionate about? Who knows maybe it’ll turn into something more for you!

19. Use Social Media to Grow Your Blog

In my opinion, Pinterest is the best social media platform to grow your blog. Of course, you want to use the others. you call the shots because this is your gig.

Use your current following to introduce your blog to the world! That way you leverage all your followers! It a no-brainer that you will be using social media to grow your blog. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the most important Pinterest.

Pinterest is the best and fastest social medium to use to grow your blog. When it comes to blogging, Pinterest takes the number one spot. It just makes sense. Being the visual search engine, it is, if you have a solid strategy, it’s only a matter of time before you are driving solid traffic to your blog. More on Social Media and Blog Strategy here.

20. Own It & Be Proud of What You Are Doing

Have confidence about what you are doing. You are making an impact. You will help change someone’s life. That is amazing. You are doing something to take control of your life and create a life you truly love. There is something to be said about that!

Be bold, be a boss, make it happen, and hold your head high because you are a badass blogger!

On the good and bad days, be sure to pat yourself on the back and be proud of how far you have come. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It is damn hard to make changes, let alone changes that have been edged into your sub-conscience since you were a little one. (I know crazy right?)

Starting your own blog/business and focusing on making major changes in your life is tough. It takes time but take it one day at a time. Own it girl, you rock! 

21. Invest in Yourself

This might be one of the most important. Go buy some personal development books, listen to audio books and podcasts. Attend a seminar or conference or take a class to learn more. I wouldn’t just buy every book you see. I would get recommendations. There are some whacky books out there. I want you to have access to the best of the best. You can check out a list of my favorite Personal Development Books here.

The most important thing you can do for yourself, in my opinion is to invest in yourself. It took me years to realize this but it’s so powerful.

We should be constantly trying to improve or better our thinking, challenging ourselves with new projects, pushing ourselves to get uncomfortable. We want to face fear eye to eye and dominate!

Buy the book on personal, self- development and then actually read them, listen to audio books 5 times, take notes and then go back and reference those notes.

Applying what you learned is key with reading and listening to audios. You have to be intentional with applying what you learned.  Go to that seminar or purchase a gym membership.  Personal development is so especially important.  It’s more worth it than you think.

22. Tell Your Story, Someone Needs to Hear It

Be relatable, honest, down-to-earth. That’s what people relate to. You have your own spin on things and personality and people will take to you as you consistently post and share with the world.

Don’t hold back because I 100% guarantee there is that ONE person who NEEDS to hear your story. You will be able to change their life and that’s incredible to think about.

This is super powerful because you are unique. No one else has the same story as you. Your story can only be told by you. It has your personal touch. Someone out there wants (and needs) to hear your story. This is one of the reasons why I love blogging.

When you create your blog, it is all YOU. No one else. There are millions of people in this world and your story will for sure speak to many, many of those millions of people. It just needs to be done.

23. Don’t Allow Youself Excuses

Don’t let your own self take the easy way out with silly excuses. Hold yourself accountable. You know when you are giving yourself an excuse for something. Be aware. That’s key. As long as you are aware of what’s going on, it’s fine. It’s all part of the process.

You are your only limit

Just here to tell you that your mind will always try to protect your own self. Get outside of your comfort zone, do the things that make you uncomfortable. it’ll get easier as you continue on and push yourself.You must hold yourself accountable. Should you watch TV or work on publishing a blog post? What do you do when no one is watching?

Are you truly doing the best that you can? See how far you can go. Work on your mental toughness, it really does help!

24. Maximize a Call to Action on Every Post

A best practice for each blog post that you publish is to leave your readers with a call to action. Meaning they are asked to do something at the end of each post.

More times than not, it is to enter their email to download the latest and greatest worksheet, list or E-Book that they can use to solve whatever problem you are solving.

It really is that simple. They need a reason or problem solved to download your content. Boom, then you get their email!

25. Don’t Ever Give Up, Ever.

I repeat, do not ever give up, ever. I don’t care if it takes you 5 years to finish your blog. Just don’t completely stop. I believe that if you consistently tell yourself that you are going to do this and you will never give up, it’s just a matter of time when it’s your time to shine! I’ll say it again. Never, never, never, NEVER give up.

Keep trucking along. You will get there. Who cares how long. You have the power to make that choice. Don’t live your life with regret because you gave up and didn’t think you could finish or thought people wouldn’t like your content, whatever it is.Stop telling yourself those lies. You are worth it. You CAN do it.

There you have it! The Top 25 ways to be on your way to being your best self! Focus on these specific ideas day in and day out and you will definitely be on track to becoming a badass blogger. Someone who wants to take control of their future and truly love what you do. It’s time to let your passion flow!

“Be the girl who decided to go for it”